First Name
Last Name
Who would you like to be photographed with?
Only me, I would like this experience on my own.
My mom, I would like to share this experience with her.
My daughter(s), I want to capture the bond between us.
I'm interested in a Maternity Session
My newborn baby
My baby - 3 - 10 months old
My partner / spouse. I'd like him/her to arrive at the end of the session for some couple portraits.
My family, the girls can come together and get styled and the boys will arrive later for some family portraits.
My sister(s), We would really enjoy this experience; it would be lovely to capture some portraits of us together at the end.
My friend(s), this would be an ultimate girls day out with individual photo's and some of us together at the end.
My pet(s), I would love you to capture some beautiful portraits of me and my pet(s).
How would you like to be photographed?
GLAMOROUS, beautiful dresses, stunning gowns
CLASSIC, more on a dressy side but not too formal.
CASUAL, I want to look relaxed and informal.
PROFESSIONAL, I would like to use my portraits for business and personal branding.
SEXY, I'm thinking about wearing a daring dress or lingerie.
COMBINATION of professional headshots and some more beauty and/or family portraits too
CREATIVE / FINE ART, I want to look like a portrait out of an art gallery!
“THIS IS ME”, I want to have the “raw” portraiture experience, being captured exactly as I am.
What is your age?
Younger than 20
I'm in my 20’s
I'm in 30’s
40 & Gorgeous
50 & Fabulous
60+ years young and empowered
Where would you like to be photographed?
STUDIO - I want the full glamour experience in your studio.
Option 2 ON LOCATION - I want to be photographed on location within 50 miles radius of Miami Dade County.
DREAM DESTINATION - I would like Pilar and her team accompany me to my dream city or destination of my choice
HOME - I would like Pilar and her team to come to my home
MY BUSINESS - I would like to have the session in my office or place of work
My preference for the photo shoot
I'm flexible
When would you like to be photographed?
As soon as possible !
Next month
Within the next 3 months
Sometime this year
How did you hear about us?
Google Search
Word of mouth
One of my clients